Are you longing for the person you “used” to be before the big “C”?
Are you having difficulty being as happy as you were before?
Did you expect on some level to come through this and be ready to claim your old life again?
I get it… I am a survivor just like you, and when I got the news “you’re in remission” I expected to revert to my old self… but it didn’t happen.
There is a big connection between how we “feel” and what may be holding us back. To “get your HAPPY back!” is to get really clear on what happy looks like and feels like to you!
I created a Pinterest board to help guide you in envisioning YOUR happy.
For instant access to the “TOP TEN WAYS TO GET YOUR HAPPY BACK” Pinterest board type in your first name and email. I am truly honored to walk this walk with you.
Much love…
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