Choose your route to happy:

The Private Happy Experience

$297 (Normally $497)

As part of The Private Happy Experience you will receive:

  • Lifetime access to the Healing Boobies program (including all members-only video and audio content).
  • My “Get Happy” toolkit (including a series of mindset practices and a weekly PDF to add to your Boobie Book).
  • Access to the exclusive Healing Boobies community, filled with women just like you.
  • BONUS – 1 downloadable guided meditation.

The payment options available for this package are One Pay and Three Pay

The Group Happy Experience

$497 (Normally $697)

As part of The Group Happy Experience you will receive:

  • Lifetime access to the Healing Boobies program (including all members-only video and audio content).
  • My “Get Happy” toolkit (including a series of mindset practices and a weekly PDF to add to your Boobie Book).
  • Access to the exclusive Healing Boobies community, filled with women just like you.
  • Membership to an exclusive group of only 6 women (maximum), encouraging you to build even stronger connections online.
  • 6 LIVE hour-long group sessions, hosted on Zoom. During these calls we will go through the weekly lesson and discuss it in more detail. You will also have the opportunity to ask questions, and work past any bumps in the road with my support.
  • Lifetime access to the recordings of those live calls.
  • BONUS: 2 downloadable guided meditations.

The next intake for The Group Happy Experience will begin announced for 2021.

The payment options available for this package are One Pay and Twelve Pay

The VIP Happy Experience

$997 (Normally $2,297)

As part of The VIP Happy Experience you’ll receive:

  • Lifetime access to the Healing Boobies program (including all members-only video and audio content).
  • My “Get Happy” toolkit (including a series of mindset practices and a weekly PDF to add to your Boobie Book).
  • Access to the exclusive Healing Boobies community, filled with women just like you.
  • An in-depth exploration of your own experience – and how that can refuel your journey back to happy.
  • Weekly 1:1 sessions, to give you personal guidance throughout the process (these will each last 60 minutes).
  • Lifetime access to the recordings of these sessions.
  • Tailored exercises designed to help you work through specific issues.
  • 6 weeks of 1:1 support.
  • BONUS- 3 downloadable guided meditations.
  • BONUS – A personalized meditation or healing EFT script.

The payment options available for this package are One Pay and Three Pay

Are you ready to be YOU again? This course takes you forward in your life but exploring the trail that got you here is important… knowing where you came from helps get you where you want to be… HAPPY!

Are you tired of the “Cancer Survivor” label? Ready to move beyond it? Ready for “the big C” to just be something you experienced and not to be WHO you are?

Community!! We are a group of women who want to live our life beyond fear… we want a life that is BETTER after breast cancer, and we are not DEFINED by it!

Here is what happens week to week:

Week 1: We explore our “boobie story”. What is the connection between emotions and breast cancer. How does how I feel have anything to do with the physical manifestation of breast cancer?

Week 2: Have there been any “silver linings” in our experience of breast cancer…don’t worry I’m not calling it a GIFT! But learning about the practice of gratitude is essential.

Week 3: The “rabbit hole”. How to feel what we need to feel without getting swallowed by it.

Week 4: Learning about other healing modalities that are helpful in recovery.

Week 5: Defining your “survivorship”. Knowing what kind of survivor you are is essential. Determine where you are and how to express this to others so “you don’t want to knock out Aunt Mary for buying you a pink ribbon necklace.”

Week 6: Learning how to reach out to others in a healthy way to pay it forward. Helping others get there happy on, helps you get your happy on! Lather, Rinse, Repeat…


The course is two videos per week (ranging from 5-15 minutes) and a weekly assignment (journaling, listening to a 5-15 minute audio, getting a massage (YUP some self care I am prescribing) that requires about 15 minutes of time. All videos have transcriptions available if you just prefer to read. Although the course is intended to be completed at the end of six weeks, if you choose you can slow down your pace. I don’t recommend speeding it up because there is no rushing this.

Private Video Session

Want to work with me one on one but not ready for the Healing Boobies Experience? No problem.

Want help to move forward? Need some guidance?

Schedule a private session with me and let me help you get on the inside track to happy! Let’s do this!

  • $98 for a 45 minute session