Healing Boobies Experience Participants

...and what they have to say about getting their own "HAPPY" back!

“I’ve taken the Healing Boobies course and I just wanted to touch base with you and let you know how fantastic this course is in getting your HAPPY back. I had a lot of anger issues and survivor anxiety issues and the tools that this Healing Boobies course has helped me in ways I can’t even imagine.

I feel like a weight has been lifted off of my shoulders…” – Donna Stallard

“I rang my bell and was cut loose, after 32 treatments of radiation & 3rd degree burns . After the high of being finished of the regiment of treatments. I went my merry way and tried to fit into my life before cancer and didn’t realize that no longer exists….I felt very lost. I couldn’t dig out of this hole I was in.  I had been to the “wellness center” that my oncologist recommended, but there is no way that they know how I am feeling, because they hadn’t gone through it! That’s when a friend introduced me to Healing Boobies and Keri.  Honestly, I was at the point of saying the hell with it, I’m done (and I have never thought like that in my life) but thought OK whatever I’ll give this a go. After my first conversation with Keri I thought for the first time in a long time that I am going to be OK.  She knows how you feel because she’s gone through it. The darkness that settles in after the high of ringing that bell was too much.
20160903_133029During our classes together I got to see that other women had similar (and different) challenges, but we all were able to relate and to see women transform in front of my very eyes was the Power of this program.  Processing the stuff that holds us back.  I am not saying that I don’t have bad days, but when I do I open my “boobies book” or use a tool she taught me.  There is LIGHT in my days, I am enjoying life again, my family, grand-babies, all of it! I am not a PINK ANYTHING, I’m TRUE BLUE  and that’s what Keri is too!!!. She’s my hero, my teacher & friend. Keri helped me find my way back to my YELLOW BRICK ROAD. 
Got my Happy back!” – Barbara Galford-Graham 💙 👠


“I really want you to understand how powerful Keri’s course is. I took her course and it’s been a couple of months now but due to the fact that I took her course I am now feeling not so low and I have a lot more motivation. I’ve started exercising, I am trying to start my own home based business (quite successfully!) and all of the tools Keri gave me to do that.

To become happier and to get out of this chemo funk that we’re all in has changed my life. The EFT practice she has taught us to do is incredibly powerful in making it so that whatever is troubling you goes away.

It’s quite a miracle about how it works…” – Trina Arnold

“My experience with HB was life changing! I learned tools that I can use daily to help me get through the days when my stress level is high or even when frustration hits. The group sessions allowed me to hear from other women that actually had some of the same experiences which made me know I was not alone.
Keri is truly a Godsend for creating HB to guide us through our own journeys and to live a happy, beautiful, fulfilling life! Today I can smile and truly live!!!” – Catrina Robert-Johnson

“As everyone knows, cancer diagnosis/treatment is very taxing on the body. Most don’t want to admit it effects your mind and spirit as well. This program has really helped me to heal my mind and spirit and truly begin on my journey to cancer free happiness.” – Jennifer Reutzel

“I give much love & appreciation to Keri and the tools she shared with me to find my happy again. There are days I still struggle but if I can remember to take a breath, I can remember these tools. Eft & meditation are my go to. Keri is so insightful and compassionate. She turned her pain into a haven for survivors. I will be eternally grateful!.” – Kathy Lee

“I became a member of Healing Boobies Facebook group almost from the beginning and I really started to feel support from Keri and the ladies immediately. Keri had mentioned her Healing Boobies, Get your Happy Back, support group a few times and it intrigued me because even tho I was a survivor I wasn’t very happy. I tended to try and focus on the positive on the outside but inside it wasn’t working for me and I was very sad. I had no zest for life anymore. Keri’s, Get Your Happy Back, allowed me to explore these feelings in a safe and supporting place! She taught me ways to get out of the rabbit hole when I fell in! I would recommend this course to anyone who wants to be happier!!” – Sandra Bennett Johnson

“I just recently finished this course and pink sisters it is life changing. We’re all bonded by a very serious illness and this course is helping me peel through the layers of feelings I kept bottled up inside. These built up emotions led to serious anger, anxiety, and depression. This course has helped me find healing, has taught me when I’m having a bad day not to keep myself camped out there. It has allowed me to release emotions, pain ,and baggage that I, and all of us don’t need to be carrying around. That weight is just not good for our physical or mental well being. Keri in this course equips you with tools to truly find a happy place, accepting the new life ahead, and embracing the whole journey in a more positive and healthier way. I love her uniqueness yet balance between western and eastern medicine. These practices, maybe more non traditional, but I have found are incredibly practical and so useful in my everyday life. It’s a way of taking care of yourself mind, body, and soul. This truly has been the best and most life changing course I’ve ever participated in. I also love the fact that this course can be utilized over and over. For me each time I go back to something I recently learned, it reveals and peels back another layer of who I am…and I’m blossoming into a happier human being. Healing boobies is a journey you can’t pass up. Keri’s vision for all of us to get our happy back is very personalized in the methods she teaches.
This has been the biggest silver lining in my journey thus far!
” – Liza Herbert

Ready to get your “Happy” back? Good. I can help.

For more information on how Healing Boobies can help you get your quality of happiness back, please use the form below to submit a message to us.

I will get back to you within 24 hours.

Wishing you health and happiness!

Dr. Keri Chiappino

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